Monthly Good Form Running Clinic




9:00 AM

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Orlando, FL
Monthly Good Form Running Clinic


Good Form Running (GFR) clinics are small, instructional classes held monthly at Track Shack. Come dressed in running clothes and shoes and plan to do a little running. 

Here's what you can expect at the clinic:

- The GFR trainer's goal is to get you running faster, easier and without injury by using the four fundamental points of GFR.
- Runners will be videotaped with the GFR trainer analyzing the individual's footage.
- Runners will learn and practice key drills.


Track Shack
1104 N. Mills Ave.
Orlando, FL 32803


Good Form Running clinics are at Track Shack and are FREE. Registration is required. Don't miss out! Space is limited to 10 runners per clinic, call Track Shack at 407.898.1313 (press 1 for the store) to register now! 


Customer parking is available directly behind Track Shack plus additional spaces are accessible behind Pigzza via the alley. Street parking also available along Oregon St. and Thornton Ave.


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