Customer of the Month- October

Tell us about your experiences! That's all it takes to be the Adidas Customer of the Month.

Each month we ask you a different question and if your answer is chosen you'll be highlighted in the monthly email and win a pair of shoes from Adidas!

October Topic:

What is your favorite charity or cause to run for? Share on the blog or on Facebook! Deadline: September 20

September Topic and Winner:

What is your favorite time of day to run or train?

Steven Peacock was selected as the Adidas Customer of the Month for September. Steven likes it early in the day, as in 5:00 am. The photo is him with his 71-year-old dad at the Disney Marathon; his dad had just completed his first marathon. 

We had over 150 responses from that questions.  67% prefer the morning, 21% evening, 9% either, 2% middle of the day.  Some people really ranged based upon weather conditions, heat, time of year, etc.  Some also varied based upon work or family commitments, where they can only go out at 5am or 10pm. 

Use Facebook to Leave a Comment - We'd love to hear from you.

allen dobereiner
[clermont FL] • Wednesday September 18, 2013, 2:07 pm

I have the pleasure of being part of the great running team for Give Kids The World! I signed up to do the Dopey challenge at Disney this January, and I figured I have to train and why not raise money for a great cause at the same time! I have had a blast running this summer and spreading the word about this great group. I have raised over 3k for them and still have a few more months!

Mary Johnson
[Orlando FL] • Wednesday September 18, 2013, 2:06 pm

My favorite charity has always been breast cancer, specifically the Lady Track Shack 5K. I have unfortunately known too many women who have lost their battle with this nasty disease. I always run for them. Recently my best friend's sister has been diagnosed with Stage IIIA breast cancer. This year I run for her! I love to watch the survivor's cross the finish line, it is very moving.

Elaine Mulhall
[Orlando FL] • Wednesday September 18, 2013, 12:49 pm

Unfortunately, my favorite charity doesn't do races in the area, so I try and raise money separately for the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. I "run" so others might regain the ability to walk.

Genie Chartier
[Winter Garden FL] • Wednesday September 18, 2013, 12:24 pm

I run for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. I do this because I have MS and I'm one of the fortunate people that can run. MS research is very important and finding new medications and maybe a future cure is near and dear to me. I run for myself, for everyone who can't run, and for a future without Multiple Sclerosis.

Rachel Pereira
[Orlando FL] • Wednesday September 18, 2013, 12:14 pm

I'm on my fourth season with Team in Training. Because cancer sucks.

MIssy Guyer
[Celebration FL] • Wednesday September 18, 2013, 12:12 pm


Christina Weaver
[Orlando FL] • Monday September 9, 2013, 4:52 pm

The American Lung Association.

Chasity Brannon
[Orlando FL] • Friday August 30, 2013, 10:37 pm

I like to run for anything that helps out kids.

Joanne Wilson
[Orlando FL] • Monday August 26, 2013, 4:37 pm

I will always run or walk for the ALS Association. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. It destroys the motor neurons leaving the victim unable to move, sometimes unable to breath, and leads to eventual death. There's no known cause for the disease and no cure. It's considered a service connected illness. My dad passed away from ALS in 2000 when I was 15. I watched as everything was stolen from him. He went from someone who was always outdoors gardening, always working, proud of his military history, to a sad man stuck in a chair until the end of his days. Six months after he was diagnosed he passed away. There's a 10% chance that it's hereditary meaning that I could end up with it one day. I run because my dad can't. I run because one day, I might not be able to anymore. I will always run or walk for the ALS Association because I hope they will find a cause and a cure so I can keep running.