No route to host Track Shack - Fall Visits

Fall Visits

Yesterday was beautiful. I went out a little late for my walk/run. My calf is feeling better finally so I can do a little more running ;) After about a mile or so, I see an old friend running toward me; old as in, our daughters were in school together from first grade on...and back then Kim didn't run, and now runs more than me! We visited for quite a while, catching up on the girls and our injuries and enjoying the awesome morning. Fall is truly in the air. Off we went, our separate ways and just a little farther into my run, who do I meet up with but some former neighbors, good friends out walking their dogs. Well, another long visit began. But, did we ever catch up! More injuries talks, but also sorting through that new season in our lives as we are the daughters of maturing senior parents. It was a good catch up day all around. I didn't get in the mileage I wanted, but today is another day and yesterday was for visits with friends. Enjoy your visits and see you on the roads!

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