Adjusting to a New Normal

St. Patrick’s Day will always have a new meaning for me now.  It represents the first day we decided to “stay home,” before our local government mandated it and of course, long before our state or even federal government thought it might be a good idea. I’m actually marking off each day on my wall calendar; haven’t done that since I was a little girl. Thankfully we are healthy and our staff and families are as well. I pray this continues to be the case. 

I’m saving lots of money on aluminum foil and mascara.  My mom always saved what we called tin foil to reuse growing up.  I used to roll my eyes when she did it and at 91, she still does!  Well now I’m finding that I’m doing the same thing. The Coronavirus is not the depression, but it is hard to find things on my grocery’s shelf sometimes.  I haven’t put mascara on since March 16th!  I think its probably better for my eyes in the “long run.” 

I sure miss my granddaughter, Talia but we do lots of FaceTime and even Zoom!  I’m getting her Easter package ready to send.  It will be so odd not to go to church Sunday but I’m going to stream my mom’s service for her at her house.  I just have to keep reminding her, no hugs…and I wear a mask, just as Jon does when he’s at his 92 year old parents. That made for a good look last Saturday when our three Maine families and our three Florida families all wished Dad a happy birthday on our Zoom call…Emma’s family wore party hats and Jon’s sister decorated their wall as though we were all there. Dad really enjoyed it.

Well I’m running and walking, trying to do my extra exercises like the Marathonfest Challenge but honestly my days are flying by just trying to keep up with the business we can do, our parents and cooking every meal! Stay safe, run lots and lets all wear green, just like we always do on St. Patrick’s Day next March 17, 2021! 

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