No route to host Track Shack - #MyFanaticStory


Vote, Inspire, Win

Vote for the “Most Inspirational” Fanatic. Who makes you want to be a Track Shack Fanatic? Who best exemplifies what it means to be a Fanatic?

OR, tell your story!  What inspires you to “Be A Fanatic”? Any registered Fanatic can be nominated below in the comments section.

The recipient with the most “likes” receives: 

  • A brand new pair of running shoes fit by the professionals at Track Shack.

Vote through Facebook!

  • The Fanatic that receives the most Facebook likes receives the prize.
  • Deadline: August 10th!
  • If preferred, you can send your nominations via email to

    View contest rules >>


    Cecille Rodriguez

    I was inspired to register for Fanatic because I want to commit to an active and healthy lifestyle change. I credit running playing a part in not only my continuing weight loss journey(17+ lbs lost and counting) but also helping me gain more confidence in myself.  While I don't have the fastest pace or  time, I love the feeling of accomplishment after every race knowing I gave it my best shot. That "runner high" keeps me going and motivates me to sign up for race after race.

    Ryan Burtram

    I was inspired to sign up as a Fanatic because running and racing with Track Shack has helped me understand what it's like to run with pride. I've achieved results that I never thought were possible. I am inspired to work hard and deliver my best by my wife Melissa, coach Dave and my Five and Dime teammates, and my son Devin. Devin recently completed a year of 5k races (once a month for a year) at 7 years old along with my wife. As Coach Dave said when I mentioned I signed up for the Fanatic program. "Well you might as well, you're fanatical about this stuff, aren't ya?"

    Debbie O'Grattan

    I like the Fanatic series because it does commit me to a number of races that I can plan my training schedule around. Most of the races are 5k but there is also a 10k and a 5 mile that help me push a little farther. These distances have given me a good foundation to build toward the 11 half marathons and 2 full marathons I have completed. A couple of times while waiting for the race start, I've had a conversation with someone who is new to running and this is their first event. They express being nervous about if they will do well or not. I tell them not to worry, just run their own race. There are runners and walkers at all different levels just doing the best they can do. And I tell them to remember one thing..."Any Finish is a Good Finish". I might not see them again, but if my words helped them to breathe easier going into their first event, then that's a "Good Finish".

    Wes Brown

    I love being committed to running all year and encouraging my friends and family to come out and be active. I find the events fun and a great way to kick-off the weekend. It's also fun to sport the race shirt at work that Monday (and beyond).  I enjoy running into the usual subjects at each race. It's also nice to have a good breakfast with friends and family after the races. I've gotten out of the "PR" craze this past year to just try to enjoy the race and camaraderie.

    Ramona Young- Winner!

    This is my first year running as a Fanatic, however, I did run most of the races in the series last year. I began running at the age of 60 after a health scare. I lost 74 pounds and went from taking 7 medications a day to one. My doctor contributes my passion for running as a contributing factor to my beating Diabetes 2 in less than a year's time. I love sharing my story because I love to help others experience a healthy life style. I love living and I love running.

    Julia Soileau

    I have been a runner since childhood, but through the years it was put on the back burner for various reasons.  I found myself one day, to be a middle aged, overweight, unhappy person just out of the blue.  I went back to my old fix that always worked before, running.  I started slow, even had to walk at first, but I got back to where I had been, running a couple of miles and calling it good.  That’s when a friend invited me to run the Celebration of Running 5K.  I have been hooked ever since, running a race a month and even completing some half’s along the way.  There is no better therapy than a good run, and I love the fact that I am helping out my community at the same time.  I run with friends now, and we do the fanatic series every year as a special treat for ourselves.  As moms with jobs are lives are full of things that we do for others, not complaining, we wouldn’t have it any other way, that’s just how it is.  Running is a few hours to spend with good friends and remember I’m alive.  Everyone who crosses a finish line is a super hero, and “its not about being better than someone else, It’s about being better that you were the day before”  (author unknown).  This spills over into how you live, and it’s a wonderful thing.  The fanatic series did that for me. Thanks Track Shack!!  (And we love gear check!)  Go put your shoes on, and run...

    Amy Demins

    Having a race about once a month keeps me motivated. I know I can't get too out of shape when I have another race coming up!

    Valery Perry

    "A year ago I decided to get in shape after having had two children and letting my weight and health get away from me.  I was tired of being unhealthy and was missing being active.  I had tried dieting and exercise programs at my local gym but nothing stuck until I decided take up running.   I'm not going to lie, it was very difficult at first but to commit it I decided that instead of waiting to be in shape to sign up for a race I would instead sign up for two future races to give myself something to train for and look forward to.  It worked. Soon I found help and support from a local running group whom I met at one of the races I had ran.  Having a group to train with had help me stay motivated and live the lifestyle I've been wanting to adopt.   A lot of my friends do all the races and they are very goal oriented and competitive.  It has rubbed off; I want to compete with them and have fun afterwards! The social atmosphere after the race allows you to celebrate not just your accomplishments but those of others and it's truly one of the best parts of racing.  Everyone has their own race story to share whether it went to plan or  I have created long lasting friendships with people who share my passion for the sport, found a fun-knowledgeable coach and a great training partner I would not change for the world! Signing up for race fanatic is a commitment to myself that I will continue to the adopt an active lifestyle that goes just beyond just running.  Having goals to improve my performance has motivated me to make adjustments to my diet and my personal improvements have motivated close family members to take up running as well! Since I began running last year I have lost 25lbs and have gone from running mid 23s in the 5K to running mid 19s. I have realized how truly important it is to develop a lifestyle of health and fitness and surround myself with those that encourage me and motivate me to maintain it. Trackshack is part of that equation for me. They are so instrumental in building and encouraging ;runners of all walks of life and fitness backgrounds. I want to be a role model for my children. To see me enjoy myself at the races,  taking care of myself, my nutrition and health is the best example I can ever set for them.

    Jeff Schwenneker
    This will be my 2nd year that I have signed up to be a Fanatic. I run approx. 25 races in a year so I will continue signing up for the Fanatic Series because it allows me to sign up one time online that includes 6 races, all of the race day perks, names on the bib, extras in the race packets, post face V.I.P. at winter Park Road Race, and it has given me an opportunity to get to know the staff at Track Shack. I call it the "Stress free race series"  I like that part of the money goes to great charities in the local area, and we get the opportunity to get young people like my children, Savannah and Josh, involved in the excitement of running. 


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